Donation – Centenary Posters

I was happy to receive in the post today, copies of Tom Hayward-Stotts delightful posters that he has kindly donated to the Archive. For those of you who don’t know, Tom designed these as an art project prior to his move to University to study Graphic design. They were displayed in the Art Gallery at the Centenary event where they were much admired, so much so that Tom was encouraged to produce them as a limited print run. For those of you who are interested, you can contact Tom by emailing him on

I might make the point, whilst thanking Tom for his donation, that donations are the life blood of the Archive. Although limited funds are available for the cause, donations are always welcome. Recent donations have included the Military Album, the original Platts illustrations for the parts catalogue and the photo album of Ral Appleby, mechanic to the Austin race team. These have enhanced the Archive beyond measure and can now be shared with the world wide community of Austin 7 owners… 

You can buy them through Etsy at…1277782223