British Motor Museum – Centenary Display

I was invited yesterday to the Press Launch of the Gaydon Museum Austin 7 Centenary Display. As some of you may know, a good relationship has been forged between the Archive and Gaydon, with them lending us stuff for the Centenary, and me reciprocating with items held in our Archive. The display is very good and, remarkably, without either side really knowing, we have both picked up on nearly identical themes to present. I would encourage you to have a look if you have the chance…

Having mentioned this exhibit before, I thought people might be interested in the items that the Archive has loaned to Gaydon to support it. Already, 2 pennants from Twin Cam successes from the late 30’s are in place but today, the exhibition added the ‘Datum’ drawing of the RP saloon we hold. Originating from the Austin drawing office and saved from destruction by a senior employee at Longbridge ( a Director?) John Jones. It then passed to Hazel Gore and has been on display in the Archive since 2013. Gaydon Head of Collections Stephen Laing, through a connection made through the Archive, has also arranged to display the Douglas Maxfield advertising frieze by arrangement with his Grandaughter. The exhibition will run until May next year…