New Additions – March 2023

Another busy weekend Archive Towers as more new material has been posted on the Archive web site today. The new material is all encompassed by the ‘Ephemera‘ collection

If you scroll down, you will see all the new entries are tagged to show recent additions. There is some fascinating stuff there and would particularly draw your attention to the ‘Liaisons’ publication, a Wartime communication from Longbridge to its dealer network. It repays close study, particularly the article by JW Bache of the Austin Export Department.

The complete list of new items is as follows:

1931 500 Mile race

Autosport 1963 Beaulieu report

Beresford Stork Manual

American Austin (1)

American Austin (2)

American Austin (3)

1930 Austin Tractor Brochure

1932 Colour Chart

Gordon England Silent Saloon leaflet

Herbert Austin birth certificate copy

Liaison II – Wartime communication with Austin dealers. Includes report on Berlin Motor Show and visit by Hitler to Austin stand

Popular Mechanics (USA) August 1930 article on ‘Midget cars’ in Europe

Zenith Carburettor book January 1928

Dixi Parts List

Spanish Range Brochure