Index Cards


The Index Cards stored in a wooden drawer, were saved from Longbridge by Bob Wyatt c.1968. This was after he had completed “The Motor for the Million The Austin Seven 1922-1939”, so no information from the cards was used in that book. He generously donated the drawer with the cards to the A7CA Archives in 2013.

They came from the Austin Service Department and were used to keep a record of all the changes made to the cars and the chassis numbers where these changes were made. They were also used to update the SPARE PARTS lists.

The cards are arranged in two sections. In the drawer, the first section is approximately 110 typed cards listing spare parts for the Big Seven.
The second section is approximately 510 cards relating to the Seven. This section is divided into Part Number order, starting with BA; Crankshaft. The Part Number order continues to BZ which is divided into nine sections, which include Wings, Wheels and Windows. The BA to BZ order is the same as in the SPARE PARTS lists.

In each section the later cards, often typed, are at the front and the earlier handwritten cards tend to be at the back. This seems to follow standard engineering practice where more recent revisions would be filed at the front of each section.

Meanwhile a chronological List of Production Changes from 1922 to 1939 in book form is now available from Phil Baildon for £10 (cheque to A7CA)  at  14, Jerwood Close, Little Bowden, Leics, LE 16 8AL.

Austin 7 – 
7HP Body 7HP Miscel
7HP Sports 7HP Van
BA Crankcase
BB Crankshaft, Camshaft
BC Cylinder, Valves, Pistons
BD Radiator, Fan, Starting Handle
BE Petrol supply, Exhaust System
BF Engine controls, Battery
BG Dynamo, Lamps, Instruments
BH Gearbox
BJ Clutch
BK Handbrake, Springs
BL Front axle, Brakes, Hartford S.A.s
BM Steering
BN Foot controls 
BO Rear axle, Brakes
BP Propshaft, Torque tube
BR Chassis, Springs
BS Wheels
BT Grease gun, Nipples
BU Shock absorbers
BZ – 3 Floor
8 Seats
51 Wings
53 No. Plates
55 Spare Wheel
67 Hood
75 Window Reg
 78 Screen Wiper
 80 Trafficators

Big Seven –

BA Crankcase 
BB Crankshaft, Camshaft
BC Valves, Pistons
BD Fan, Radiator
BE Petrol supply, Exhaust
BF Engine controls
BG Stop and Tail Lamps
BH Gearbox
BJ Clutch
BK Handbrake
BL Front Axle
BM Steering
BN Foot controls
BO Rear Axle
BP Torque tube, Propshaft
BR Chassis, Springs
BS Wheels
BU Shock Absorbers, Rear No. Plate